am i insane? i m so long for holidays....
can't wait anymore, and i have these in my mind.
go check it out and u will know ..alright, perhaps Bali could be good too but i happened to browse throught this and it really caught my eye and not forget about the price too!! will you spend a bomb on something luxury like spas n retreats or just for a free and easy stay to further countries? well, i like both and sometimes we just have to balance things out. so, is it time for me to go for a relaxation trips? lol, is kind of expensive to me, but if compared to buying luxury brands for handbag, i think i prefer my tripsss. going alone would be..hmmmm...anyone to accompany me???
Eastern and Oriental Express (travel on luxury train)
seems like all my progammes are for OLD. everything slow in pace..keke. i am actually trying hard to look for someone ( of course among my bestie around my age, maybe) to do all this with me..will they think i am too free and should have just save my $$, be more thrifty..
i suppose to wake up earli in the morning to do a bit of revision, and ended up dreaming bout my tripsssss!! hell no..i really need a break!
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