Thursday, March 31, 2011


home sweet home! back to my home,surrouded by my dogs..meeting up friends.nothing could be better than this, enjoying the art of doing nothing! no works, no rushing here and there, that's what i called R-E-S-T. perhaps jut an excuse for procastination. i shouldn't had rest again as i just came back from my holiday! the shop-till-you-drop Hong Kong trip!! muahahaa..didn't really spent a bomb there but the shopping part was fantastic! so basically, my daily routine while resting is, waking up in the morning, singing K. there is this karaoke set in my home (my sis is the future singer..wuahahaha) hmmm pity the neighbourss, arouse by my sweeet voice! then will be freee for the whole day. driving my car, be my sis's driver..hmm..aren't i suppose to study for my exam?what's the point to bring back my text book?

alright, i am going to start my revision later. *cross finger*!!!

isn't it weird that i'm typing in english?? yes forcing myself to do that, so that i won't forget this language! english. yup, nowadays we hadrly speak or write proper english. what we are using are merely Singlish or Manglish. it seems that is the trend already. even blacks n whites use their short form, internet words have to catch up with the latest trendy words orelse you will be way outdated! i have to spend time googling internet words which i take so long to understand, like ROFL..hahaah..and there are actually a long list of these 20th century words! really OMG!! though mine are not good english, but at least i am trying hard to do my part well. my exam is coming soon, and is just another week to go! god damn it. is english paper. have to write essay, do summary!!!! hmmm, what a task!learning language is fun, but applying it will be something different! but practices make perfect! even if is not perfect, it will still be better ( i guess) as long as it will not go practices make worst...-.-" blogging is part of my procastination....shooooo, better stop here, and continue someday when i'm emo...kekeeke.

Monday, March 7, 2011


chapter 1

好友来信息说她在emo-ing。哭了好久,虽然不知道真正原因,但我想她心情一定很不好受,也许压力很大吧!你离我太远了,要不然我会陪你一起哭,紧抱着你,再带你去吃吃吃。。hehe..EMO!什么叫emo?时不时都会有人说我在emo..这词汇已越来越普遍了,我也常用,管它真正的意思!对我来说,就是闹情绪!情感线交错了,犹如“搭错电线”的感觉,整个脑子stuck.什么也不想做,不愿想! 除了宁静能让我好过,最近发现相反的“吵闹”也能让心情好起来!我指的是沉醉在大声,吵闹,好的音乐里!music really heal ones soul..

chapter 2

chapter 3

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1st or march

omg....i had not signed in for a month and there was no post in february! and now it's march!
what had i been doing lately? sleeping late! doing unnecessary stuffs?

时间总是不知不觉流逝。。来检讨上个月是否白过了呢?嗯。。因为农历新年嘛,而且2月只有28天!加上大概忙着赶project及复习吧!应该不算白过。。终于完了,现在在等4月份的考试!这段时期该好好放轻松,旅行回来再来冲!对,我要去玩了!太久没出走,感觉不自在!哈哈!原本想去台湾,但跟团出发的团费太贵了,最后还是改了地点,自助去香港吧,is time to shoppping!


